How Much Should Your Child Support Payments Be?

Ask a child support lawyer serving the Winchester & greater Lexington, KY area

Kentucky child support laws state that both parents are responsible for supporting their children financially. The parent who doesn't have custody usually pays child support. The exact child support amount depends on a number of factors, which a child support lawyer in Winchester, KY can explain in detail.

In addition to estimating child support payments, Rowady Hendricks Law, PSC can...

  • Petition for a wage assignment to get back child support
  • File an Affidavit of Paternity or a paternity suit
  • Modify existing child support agreements

We offer $100 family law consultations. Trust us to fight for your parental and financial rights.

Contact us today to speak with a reputable child support lawyer near Lexington, KY in Winchester, KY.

When to modify child support terms

When to modify child support terms

Child support agreements aren't set in stone. Parents should reach out to a child support lawyer if...

  • Either parent becomes unemployed or gets a promotion
  • The paying parent becomes disabled
  • The child gets sick

Special circumstances like these can affect how much child support you're entitled to pay or receive. Contact a child support lawyer at Rowady Hendricks Law, PSC today to learn more.