What Kind of Divorce Are You Going Through in the Winchester or greater Lexington, KY area?

Understand the basics of a contested divorce

Kentucky couples can dissolve their marriages only after ironing out key issues, such as child custody or property division. In a contested divorce, estranged spouses are disputing at least one of these issues. If this sounds like your situation, consult an experienced family law attorney in Winchester, KY.

Rowady Hendricks Law, PSC offers affordable legal services and consultations for contested divorce cases. Make an appointment at your convenience.


Simple" divorces can be complex

involved. However, going through a simple divorce isn't always easy.

An uncontested divorce usually involves...

  • Signing a notarized agreement if you'd like to avoid serving a divorce petition
  • Filing complex divorce paperwork accurately and with the correct court
  • Attending a hearing to give your testimony

It's a good idea to seek guidance from a family law attorney during this process. If you're considering filing for divorce in Winchester, KY, contact Rowady Hendricks Law, PSC right away.